The regulation of appetite by the nervous system is a hot area of research due to the raging obesity/diabetes epidemic. An international team of researchers interested in the subject—none of whom hail from either Colorado or Amsterdam—astutely noticed that "the phenomenon of cannabis-triggered feeding in a state of satiety is a hallmark of marijuana use in humans." So they injected cannabinoids into sated mice to see how the drugs affected neurons in the hypothalamus known to regulate satiety, the feeling of fullness. They figured that the cannabinoids would decrease the activity of these neurons. They figured totally wrong., 22.2.2015
úterý 24. února 2015
čtvrtek 19. února 2015
středa 11. února 2015
Jamaican Senate Says Yes To Marijuana On Bob Marley's Birthday (huffington post)
Jamaica took one step closer to decriminalizing marijuana and it couldn't have happened on a more fitting day -- the birthday of Jamaican reggae superstar Bob Marley, whose public embrace of cannabis made him nearly synonymous with the culture of the plant.
For the first time, Rastafarians -- members of a spiritual movement founded on the island that sees cannabis use as a sacrament -- would be able to legally smoke the substance for religious purposes, according to the Jamaica Information Service., 9.2.2015
For the first time, Rastafarians -- members of a spiritual movement founded on the island that sees cannabis use as a sacrament -- would be able to legally smoke the substance for religious purposes, according to the Jamaica Information Service., 9.2.2015
středa 4. února 2015
10 Věcí o „huličích“, které byste měli vědět (
Pojem „stoner“ [stounr] (hulič) má často negativní konotaci. Nicméně, v posledních několika letech stigma, které obklopuje marihuanu již doznívá. S legalizací marihuany jak pro lékařské, tak rekreační účely ve státech, jako jsou Colorado a Washington, se lidé začali lépe vzdělávat v souvislosti s touto „drogou“.
Stoneři jsou schopni dělat cokoliv, navíc ale s úsměvem na tváři. Užívání marihuany nedefinuje člověka, takže by je lidé neměli odsuzovat. Termín hulič se stále vyvíjí a následujících deset stereotypů by mělo být uloženo k odpočinku. Lidé po celém světě, mladí i staří vidí na trávě to dobré. To neznamená, že se každý sjíždí, ale znamená to, že by se lidé měli vzdělávat a být méně kritičtí k těm, kteří s „Mary Jane“ našli pouto., 25.1.2015
úterý 3. února 2015
New Study Finds Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With Brain Abnormalities (IFL Science)
Several recent studies have suggested that smoking marijuana is associated with physical changes in certain regions of the brain, both in terms of shape and volume, although they could not establish cause and effect. Now, new research which set out to replicate these investigations using a more robust experimental design has produced conflicting results. According to the study, daily marijuana use, in both adults and adolescents, is not associated with any significant differences in either the shape or volume of the regions investigated. The work has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience., 29.1.2015, 29.1.2015
Seattle's Officially Getting Weed Vending Machines And We Reckon Its Residents Are Pretty Happy (The LAD Bible)
Colorado became the first US state to legalise marijuana, and now it looks as though Washington have followed suit, in full force. To commemorate such a momentous occasion, they are set to launch a weed vending machine in Seattle next Tuesday., 29.1.2015, 29.1.2015
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