úterý 19. ledna 2016

Study questions link between teen pot smoking and IQ decline (medicalxpress.com)

If smoking pot harmed test scores, the researchers reasoned, people who'd smoked more pot should show poorer trends than those who'd smoked less. But that's not what the data revealed. Among users, those who'd smoked more than 30 times or used it daily for more than a six-month stretch didn't do worse.
The study also looked at 290 pairs of twins in which one had used marijuana and the other had not. The members of each pair had grown up together and 137 sets were identical twins so they shared the same DNA. Again, the pot users did not fare worse than their abstaining twin siblings.
http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-01-link-teen-pot-iq-decline.html, 18.1.2016

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